Maryam AS

A few days ago, I was listening to a tafseer on Maryam (AS)’s story (she’s my favorite and I never get enough of hearing about her -in case you haven’t noticed). There was this part about how it was evident God wanted her to go back to her community after giving birth, despite how much He knew she didn’t want to. He sort of assured her there would be those who believe and support her in the midst of all the hurtful things she would obviously be expecting to hear.

I’ve no idea why, but I started wondering then if I myself had been chosen to be part of this community back at that time, which side would I have taken? Would my tiny human mind have even comprehended this miracle? What would my reaction be as I watch a virgin holding her own child coming my way, and a baby literally speaking the words of God? Would the look on my face have possibly comforted Maryam if she happened to catch it, or would I have been one of those who only made her feel worse? Would I have maybe headed over to her house later that night and gave her a hug? Or would I have stayed up all night in my room instead, wondering what the heck is going on with the world?

I’ve always felt pain thinking about Maryam during that scene, but this is the first time I actually zoom out and think about everyone else, too. I‘m never able to justify anyone’s hurtful comments, but with the intensity of a situation like this, I really don’t know what would I have possibly blurted out had I really been there. It’s such a blessing to be able to grasp and believe in God’s miracles, even when our worldly minds aren’t always very accustomed to that.

Just a thought...

July 2, 2020