Let it speak


The one thing that constantly bugs you, is the one thing that has something important to say. The one bad memory that you keep trying to forget, only keeps resurfacing to the top of your head because it’s trying to get you to notice it. To stop you from looking away and pretending it never happened. It’s trying to get its chance, to explain why it had to happen exactly this way.

It might make you tear up a little every time you pay attention to its details. It might hurt to have you relive through it, even if it’s only re-happening inside your head. But I promise, it’s not trying to traumatize you, or stop you from attempting to try anything similar again. It‘s sent with a little something to say. And it will not go away, unless you know about it. So maybe give it a chance? Maybe the only way to never hear it again, is to hand it the mic it needs to speak it all out?

Let it speak. It might be painful, but it will eventually help you heal. I promise, it will help you heal.

March 8, 2020