Keep Exploring!

Lately, I realized I only tend to allow myself to explore when I’m lost. When I’m unable to find certainty, and I’m kind of ‘forced’ to explore, so I could figure out what else to do or where else to go. And it’s usually one of the most interesting phases, because it allows me to come across different sides of me and carve new paths I would’ve otherwise never known about.

I sooo much believe in the power of exploring; allowing myself to sit with the feeling of being lost, alongside some patience and persistence, largely helps me find myself.

Only that I’m noticing I keep giving up on this whole process every time I think I’ve reached somewhere or worked through the uncertainty. I trick myself into believing “I made it”, then rob myself of the opportunity to further explore, because I can no longer sit with those feelings. Because I always seem to be looking for a destination, without understanding that this is all part of a journey. One that isn’t meant to get me to a definite place that I’d forever turn into a comfort zone right after.

I am realizing how unfair it is to continue doing that to myself. And it’s coinciding with a phase where God keeps sending me more exploring opportunities I never even thought I’d go after. It’s a little ugly, because what I see keeps proving I’m not who I think I am. Yet getting in touch with those new pieces of me is really helping me understand myself better, and unleash layers that were only blocking my way – without even being aware they exist.

So this is a very important note to myself that I wanted to document: (please) keep exploring. you never know what’s still yet to unfold every time you think you’re done. the truth is, you might never really be ‘done’ until you make it to your very final destination. which ultimately only exists in another life. so keep exploring and stop waiting for an ‘end’. 🤍