It’s you she’s waiting for

every person brought out
an entirely different side of her
every person only got to see
whatever she chose to show
whenever she had to be around them all
it would confuse the hell out of her
for it always got hard expecting
which part would be taking control

but then you showed up
and you felt so real
so very real
it stopped making sense at all
she could no longer then
access the different versions of her
just the one that she felt
was always meant to grow
and yet never believed earlier
it was even worth sharing with the world
she could no longer then
feel any of the lingering words
just what she had always wanted to say
yet thought would forever remain unheard

but then you showed up
and she started feeling so real
stopped wanting to hide the real her
or any of those pieces
she had been trying to blur
she stopped wanting to hide
those sides she had been convinced
were only meant to be loathed
all the ideas she had of herself
turned out to have only been blocking
her own way towards growth

but then you showed up
and her worlds turned upside down
now all she wants is to find out more
to dig even deeper down inside
befriend all what she once hated before
and let you in on every bit of it all
now she’s making peace
with every piece of her
she’s able to openly show

and for the first time in forever
she doesn’t seem to mind waiting
for she finally knows
it’s you
she’s waiting for

January 4, 2020