Is there a point?

Sometimes I wonder if there’s really a point behind all that we do. If we really do have a voice that can help us make some kind of change. Or if we just like to believe it’s true.

Every couple of weeks, a triggering event takes place and everyone feels the same unprecedented outrage. We speak up, we argue back, and so much of our energy is drained as we try to prove a point. And yet I can’t help but think, has anyone’s perspective on any of those matters ever really changed following a post they’ve read on Facebook or a video they’ve come across on IGTV?

At this point, it almost feels like everyone on the internet is out there trying to validate what they themselves so strongly believe in. The Algorithms have this way of showing us exactly what we want to see, too. Then we share and continue defending our views with every ounce of our being, because it literally kills us when we don’t. When we can’t channel that anger in some kind of way. When we stay silent even though we‘re being offered a platform to speak. And so we do. Then we receive so much hate from those who don’t share our views. Those who, more often than not, end up being the same people who give us a hard time whenever we decide to speak. And it never ends.

Because there’s so much that’s wrong with this world, it’s so hard to even pinpoint where to start. Is it the way parents raise their children? Is it how hard the media works on instilling certain ideas in our minds while we’re not even aware? Is it all about political agendas and gains? Is it the intergenerational trauma that no longer allows us to see things for what they truly are? What is it? And is there ever a way out?

It’s suffocating. It really is. To not only witness this every single day. But to also get triggered this exact same way. And then stand there helpless. Realizing this world is way more messed up than can ever be put in words.

Ya Allah.

July 4, 2020