Into Yourself

Day 1: Are you done with your 10 mins?
15 confirmations

"I can't say it's hard nor easy. It's just a new way of writing. It was interesting how I was writing about the question and then another topic popped. On the surface, I was answering the question but the truth, I was discussing another issue on a deeper level."

"Actually I didn't find it easy 😔 i wasn't sure what i want to write about . I tried but inshallah tomorrow will be better ❤️" - It's okay, tomorrow's always there for a reason! 🙂 Glad you're finding it in you to try again.

"In the beginning, I wasn’t really sure about the answer, so I just started writing anyways about what I usually like to talk about in general. And in the middle of it I found the answer to the question! (Or I think I did)" - Love this!!

"So I started by asking myself a question and ended up sketching 3 pages with a pen. I havent sketched in a very long time.. I dont know how it happened. But it was relieving. I then asking myself more questions 😅 I hope I get to answer them soon." - Woah. I'm smiling! 🙂

Day 2: Are you done with your 10 mins?
13 confirmations

"To me they are not limiting because I know I have the choice to answer them or write freely."

"Yes, that was a topic I was reflecting upon lately. It felt good to write about it and see it “live” before my eyes ❤️"

"Even if they’re difficult to answer, they help me address points I haven’t deeply though of before. I often answer the question in an A5 sheet before moving on to journal my morning pages on things that are more relevant. I think the questions help to distant me (emotionally) from the things weighing on my mind so that when I finally get to them, I am calmer and more composed." - This was very interesting to read. Thanks for sharing!

"No, they’re not limiting at all. I feel like they make me write about things that I never thought to write about before."

"Reading your prompts make my day. Even if I don't exactly follow them but I wait to see what it is that’ll intrigue my mind today, everyday." ❤️❤️❤️❤️

"So far I haven’t used any prompt since I started writing. Because there’s so much going on in my head already to get me to start writing. So much thoughts in my head that need to be written down on paper. But man do I reallyyy looooooveeee ur promptsss! I’m saving EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM for the future!!! Bcz i want to write abt each and every one of ur prompts!!! They’re soooo interesting mashAllahhhh!" - This made me smile! I'm so gladddd! 😀

"Today I decided to start with the question instead of ending with it as I usually do. At first, I didn't know what to write but then the words just kept flowing. I somehow felt vulnerable and safe at the same time. I am grateful for having an outlet for things that otherwise would have been kept inside forever. I know I am too much for most people if I didn't have many filters, so to have a place I can be fully myself without judgement is a blessing. The name of the challenge "into yourself" accurately describes how this journey is starting to feel." I lovelovelove this. And yes, it's always safe to know the paper won't judge. :')

Day 3: Are you done with your 10 mins?
10 confirmations

"I cant wait to wake up to start writing!"

"I just wanna say that writing in the morning is now a ritual I look forward to every time I go to bed!"

"It's part of my daily routine now alhamdo le Llah"

"For the “Into yourself challenge”, writing is getting easier 🙂 especially that I never thought of those questions before. Today my 10 mins passed like really fast ❤️ I wasn’t really thinking while answering but rather write what thoughts I had in my mind for the questions."

"So much easier! Today at work I was dealing with so much emotions that I just couldn’t wait to get home to write! So i wrote on my phone! A LOT! (It was the first time I ever wrote on my phone). Omg this has become my new habit now! Crazy to see how my body just NEEDED TO WRITE SO BADLY otherwise I’d explode! Lol. Ps: u were right about buying a small notebook to carry around. Think I’ll do that. Bcz these days I wanna write 24:7 lol."

You guys have no idea how wiiide the smile on my face was while reading this! Alhamdulillah! :') So happy for, and so proud of, each one of you.

Day 4: Are you done with your 10 mins?
10 confirmations

"Since it was the first time for me participating in this challenge, I just wrote freely without referring to your question :)" - Yayayay! So happy to see you here! 😀

"Today’s prompt asked for 30 things that make me smile.. At first getting to 15 was a struggle, but I eventually ended up with 40. Even when I had moved to the more intense topics I want to address, the prompt lingered in the back of my head and I kept adding answers (between parenthesis). Addressing positive thoughts is definitely elevating- and the best part is the feeling that comes with rereading that list!" - This is so incredibly beautiful!! ❤️❤️❤️

"It’s pushing me. I needed that. I cant say I dislike anything, even the reminders motivate me haha" - So glad! 😀

"I love the prompts and the reflections so much. Beautiful Basma makes me smile every single day soo many times." - And so do youuuu! ❤️

Day 5: Are you done with your 10 mins?
9 confirmations

"I love reading the question and just letting my fingers do the talking. I’ve never given writing prompts a thought before, but they’re more fun than I thought they’d be. I haven’t been consistent with my writing lately. I write one day and then miss the next and it kind off puts me off or makes me feel disappointed for not doing it during the day and putting it off until I realize that I’m in bed and I just can’t get up to write." - Thank you for sharing this! I'm glad you're enjoying writing prompts, and I'm still glad you always seem to be wanting to try again even when you miss some days along the way. That's all that matters for now. ❤️❤️

"I'm amazed by how writing helps in self discovery especially when we put our guards down." - SAME :")

"I’m getting more and more excited ❤️😊" - YAY!

Day 6: Are you done with your 10 mins?
6 confirmations

Day 7: Are you done with your 10 mins?
6 confirmations