If only she knew

He fell in love with her tiny details that no one ever noticed, not even herself. He fell in love with the way she talked, the way she smiled so sincerely all the time, dazzling everyone’s eyes and making it hard for them not to lovingly stare. He believed he’d never seen anything more beautiful.

She hated how irrelevant her entire existence was, and all the weird regularities that came along. Like the fact that her smile always forced itself on, and how awkward coming across people has become, because of those permanently curved lips of hers that no one seemed to understand, and would always awkwardly stare at.

He made sure to arrive to class early everyday, to get to watch her beautiful figure from the corner of his eyes as she enters the room, wishing she’d one day choose a seat nearby. He fell in love with the way her cheeks would uncontrollably blush every time she was late to class and opened the door to find all eyes automatically shifting towards her. He admired the way she held that notebook of hers, that she always carried around so close, as if it were a child of her own, and the way she would always gently place it on her desk before deciding to sit down.

She couldn’t handle all the awkwardness she possessed and radiated. She despised her inability to be herself in any social setting and desperately wished she could change.

She met his eyes on a Monday during her writing class and felt her face turning red right away. She hated to imagine he would think she had been staring all along. Little did she know, it was him who couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Getting the urge to do it out of nowhere, she opened her notebook and wrote:

I wish someone would show even a slight interest in reading what I write over here. I wish someone would make me feel comfortable enough to show them all those words I never get to share anywhere.

He watched her pencil moving through the lines of her notebook, and only wished he had access to the thoughts that triggered those words she had to write.

And he continued to stare.