If I were to show up with 10% more self-acceptance, I would…

One of the prompts that can really help you understand what might be getting in your way. 👀

Among the things that come up for me whenever I try this out is the realization that my self-acceptance and my productivity are deeply (and unnecessarily) connected. When I’m able to accept myself and where I am, I notice that I allow myself more breaks, more time to take care of myself, and that I can prioritize my needs over the sense of urgency that everything about this world unconsciously stirs inside me.

It’s very helpful to just realize this on paper, because it allows me to pause whenever I notice I’m overworking myself, and ask: what is it that I’m unable to accept? can I change anything about it? even if it’s just a 10% difference?

And what comes up afterwards is always worth seeing on paper, even if it’s not so pretty… (that’s why we also learn to take care of ourselves when writing 😅)

Give it a try some time this week, for just 3-5 mins – you might be surprised by what comes up for you too! ✨