When I used the block button

I blocked someone on the internet today.
I hardly ever block people based on things they post or say.

Whenever there’s some kind of social media outrage,
my thoughts usually experience some kind of delay,
as I try to process what’s happening with the world
then eventually figure how to find my way.

And so I’m often left bewildered
at how some people instantly rush to speak
about things they know very little of,
and facts that are so easy to tweak.

And while I, too, know nothing at all,
I still blocked someone on the internet today
upon expressing his anger at a deceased girl
for having been so openly gay.

As I scroll through my feed all day,
I come across all possible thoughts and views
regarding which I have absolutely no say,
yet this one precisely left me super confused.

Because as the guy sounded concerned
about the future generations going astray,
he used a very hurtful curse word
to describe someone he never knew
as she lies between the hands of her Lord.

This is not okay.

It’s so not okay.

While I often think about my children, too
I would very much like them to rather learn
they know nothing about what others go through,
they know nothing about all the pain
that can push someone
with such a beautiful smile
to choose the unknown
over the reality of her exile.

While I often think about my children, too
I feel a lot more worried about having them see
the insults and hate being spread through
all around in the name of their deen.

Because when it reaches the point where
it’s no longer about defending beliefs,
I hope they’d one day understand
we’ll know nothing about people’s stories
beyond that which they choose to reveal.

June 15, 2020

This was written in light of the events that led to Sarah Higazi taking away her life.