Humility vs. Humiliation


It’s interesting how humility sounds so much like humiliation, and yet they both lie on two different ends of the spectrum. Because you never have to humiliate yourself into humility. You can be humble and still feel good about yourself. You can be humble and still believe in all the good qualities you have. You can be humble and still allow the good things that people see in you to uplift you. You can be humble and still smile so widely upon hearing something nice being said about you. Because you’re human. And humans love hearing nice things being said about them. No matter how extremely indifferent they might come across to you. Something inside always moves. Something inside always feels warm. When we realize our existence matters. When it comes from other humans we care about. Because our minds are already so loud. With thoughts that can totally break us down. And few things in life sound more beautiful than getting a “supposedly” humble person out of a bad place they never realized they’d fallen into.

Please tell people about the good you see in them more often. They need it.



Written on: January 22, 2020