There’s something about hugs
that very few words
can truly explain,
something that cuts
right through the heart
and physically
pulls out the pain,
replaces it with warmth
on the inside
even though
all that’s ever touched
is the very outside
stiff layers of the skin.

And you only ever notice
how long it’s been
when you fall
back into their arms
and the memories
of how it used to feel
instantly burns back in.

For some people’s hugs
are just like signatures
you can tell it’s them
totally knocked out
without even a slight
sense of doubt,
reminding you
of a point in time
when you were terribly injured
all over your insides
and yet
they came along
with the exact kind
of bandage
you never even realized
you were in need of
because that’s what
can miraculously do
you won’t even realize
how much
they can undo
of the things you’ve thought
you’ll forever have to live
of the pain you’ve felt
and never even knew
you had it in you
to heal.

You hear them discuss
the daily intake
of hugs
you’ll always need
to survive
to grow
to feel more alive
and it reminds you
of how long it’s been
since you’ve last
wrapped your arms
around them
not wanting to let go
not wanting them to let go
knowing they can feel it too
your signature
all over them
reminding you
that every time
you give a hug
you’re getting
one back too.

January 30, 2020