How do I feel? Emotionally? Physically? Mentally? Spiritually?

Sharing a powerful prompt I got to explore on one of my assignments this week. 💫

You’d think that someone who’s been journaling for so long would eventually stop being hit this hard by seemingly simple prompts and the magic they can do, but nope. I can’t even count the number of journaling exercises that lit so many new bulbs for me over just this semester. 💡 

This prompt was particularly striking, because I realized midway that every time I explore my “feelings” on paper, it’s mostly from the emotional side. I hardly delve into all 4 aspects at the same time, I don’t even think I get to explore how I’m feeling “spiritually” so directly on paper. And it was really interesting how this helped me realize that the discomfort I felt on one aspect was connected to something I wasn’t taking care of on another side.

For instance, I could tell I was mentally exhausted because I was overburdening myself with worries and uncertainties I don’t have a say in, that I unconsciously started forgetting to eat throughout the day and I’d go for long intervals without giving my body what it needs. And so I was physically exhausted, which led to a change in my spiritual presence and all that I’ve been trying to maintain after Ramadan. Yet, all along, I’d been focusing on each aspect on its own. Blaming myself for not being where I thought I’d be after this month, and not realizing it might all be stemming from my mental exhaustion that’s accordingly impacting several aspects of my day. And that if I got to work through it, I can watch the pieces effortlessly fall in place.

And so I wanted to invite you to try out this prompt today! It doesn’t need much time, I’d recommend doing it for just 10 mins, on paper or even on your phone, and just be open to receiving what it might be holding for you. ✍️

And the best of all is: it’s one of those prompts you can keep responding to over and over, and still reach different realizations with every new write. Which makes me fall in love with journaling and it’s magic even more. Alhamdulillah for this beautiful blessing. Alhamdulillah for the realizations that only He helps us reach through our own words & thoughts. 🙏🏼