Healing Fingers

Day 1: Are you done with your 10 mins?
8 confirmations

"I really enjoyed the change of having a prompt instead of writing about my day or feelings every day. The topic itself is interesting and I had to think for a while to come up with something. I enjoyed it so much."

"yes i loved the prompt.But it was not easy for me to write i took more than half an hour to write, i wrote 2 drafts and i was not satisfied about my words and my way of writing ,however am very happy that i tried to write sth .." - I am very happy you did too! 🙂

"Yes! I really enjoyed writing with the prompt in mind."

"I didn’t use a prompt because I just got to read about it now lol. But today I was low and pissed so I’m glad I wrote without a prompt. I needed to just let out the anger on paper. And without realizing... I wrote about an experience I’m going through with no resolution lool. Ive been writing about this for weeks."

"I loved the prompt thing ❤️ Being that clear helped me to stay focused and I got it all out. I really needed this :)"

Day 2: Are you done with your 10 mins?
8 confirmations

"Today I wrote for around 20 mins. I usually feel that the 10 mins are enough."

"As much as I would love to write for more than 10 minutes, I often find myself running out of words. Maybe, I need to put in some effort to write more and dig deeper. But, I’m sometimes scared to do that or I just can’t find the energy to do it. For some reason, I cried today after writing. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not. But, elhamdulellah I’m feeling better now." - I believe it means your writing has made you 'feel' something, and that's... well, that's something! ❤️ I'm so proud of your consistency, and you never have to do more than 10 mins if that's what works for now. 10 mins is better than zero. 10 mins is great.

"i was able today to write more than 10 mins and am happy that am starting to feel more comfortable in writing the prompt.." - YAY 🙂

Day 3: Are you done with your 10 mins?
9 confirmations

"I was tired and sleepy when I finally had the time to write so I wasn't excited about it and it felt a bit like a chore, until I remembered that I had a prompt that would help me start. It was probably the reason I didn't procrastinate as much as I would have. I ended up writing for 20 minutes and I enjoyed it so much. It wasn't easy to dig deeper into what I usually avoid but I believe that it will be worth it in the end. I also think that if I started writing earlier in the day, I would be able to enjoy the prompts more and have enough energy to really dig deep and it would have a stronger impact on me. I intend to revisit the prompts even after the challenge ends." - Makes me really happy to hear! 😍

"Finally wrote a small creative writing piece after 3 days of not writing. I can’t wait to get back to writing properly again insha’Allah." - Welcome back!

"Lately, I've been going through a lot and I've noticed how I run to grab my notebook and start writing and crying as if I am talking to the paper and that she’ll understand me without exerting effort." - :') May you never stop finding comfort in words! ❤️

"Surprisingly enough, I was to write a letter of forgiveness 2 days ago and I put it off. Waking up to the prompt made me smile. It was something I wasn't ready to face but getting that push was everything I needed. It let me pour so much Of myself on paper and it was something I truly needed to hear. We often take ourselves for granted, like we’re supposed to endure it all and do it all with no previous warning. We don’t realize how much we owe ourselves. We give so much of ourselves but what what do we give TO ourselves? I’ve been overly exhausting myself at a very high cost that I now have to pay the hard way. Checking in with ourselves is a very important way to not lose track of that." - This is so incredibly beautiful, I needed that reminder myself, thank you! :')

Day 4: Are you done with your 10 mins?
6 confirmations

"Yes it usually does bring out things I dont want to deal with but that’s the whole point. Im writing because I want to get somewhere and I have to push myself to get there."

"Yes, writing makes me realize things about myself. But, I don’t know how to deal with them. I’m still trying to figure everything out. I’m trying to seek out therapy, I thought it might help me deal with all the different emotions that I’ve been feeling intensely."

"Yes, sometimes I keep writing the questions I dont have answers to, sometimes I write that I dont know how to deal with it and sometimes I dont have the energy to address it all. I think that if I ever get to a conclusion to some of these things, it will probably be through writing because I usually avoid thinking about them otherwise."

Day 5: Are you done with your 10 mins?
4 confirmations

"Night timee! Cz I love to write everything that happened in the day! :)"

"The morning!"

"i can't determine yet cause i just started writing ,maybe after a while i can feel the impacts of writing .But at this moment i am very happy that i have everyday time for myself to write :)"

Day 6: Are you done with your 10 mins?
7 confirmations

"It’s incredible how you think ud know exactly what u’d write and then end up writing something completely different when ur pen hits those lines. The order of things I listed for my grateful list took me by surprise. We think we know it but up until ur mind does the talking for you.. you really don't." - Wow.

"I honestly can't believe I've been writing for 30 days in a row now. It was challenging but really worth it. I can definitely see a difference in my relationship with myself if that makes sense. It's not like me to commit to any habit so I'm proud and genuinely grateful. I know that missing a day is inevitable and I hope I don't stop when it happens." - SO INCREDIBLY PROUD!

Day 7: Are you done with your 10 mins?
6 confirmations