Healing is a Divine Process

This year has witnessed some of the most healing experiences of my life, and it blows my mind that I had absolutely no say in how any of them unfolded. They’ve all been extremely divine, up to the littlest, tiniest details.

There are places I got to visit this year for instance, that I wasn’t even sure I could afford. He made sure I had the money right when I needed it, and where He took me ended up changing so much about the state of my heart and the direction it’s taking. I know it was purely His calling, without me even pausing to plan for it.

I also walked into my Journal Facilitation classes this year thinking I’ll be learning more of what I can teach others. After just a couple of writing assignments though, I found myself in tears. And it turned out to be another healing medium He had finally decided I was ready for. This institute literally existed since the year I was born, yet I was only meant to find out about it more than 20 years later, and now it’s unlocking a whole new level of healing for me. Almost every assignment on my last semester alone, got me crying like I’ve been restraining my tears for decades. He chose my classes, and He made it all happen.

My body physically needed to heal too, and I never wanted to fully admit it earlier. So this year, He sent me those who literally took me by the hand and forced me into starting the journey. Then He sent more company on the way to help me maintain it. And now I’m connecting with my body in ways I know I would’ve never reached had He not helped me initially reach a certain level of mental awareness.

I can keep going on and on, especially listing so many of the lovely humans who make it the sessions I facilitate, and mention that my announcements are sent their way exactly when they need them. I never know how to respond to this, because those session are becoming an integral part of my healing process as well, and it’s incredibly heartwarming to realize He also allows our paths to cross so we could simultaneously heal, and collectively travel miles that we might have hardly reached separately. Do you see how incredibly divine healing is? 💓

And so my takeaway is to always trust that He’s going to get me where I need to be, exactly when I need it. Sometimes I tend to arrive at places then blame myself for not having reached them earlier. Sometimes my mind tricks me into believing I’m the one who’s been paving the way for me. Sometimes I feel like some of my wounds are forever going to hurt because I can’t see a possibility of getting over them. But knowing and being able to internalize that He’s the one who plans it all, is such a comforting thought that erases all those flaws in my thinking.

Alhamdulillah for the blessing of healing.