He does it all


Someone once told me they really like how I manage to do whatever I set my mind to. And I wanted to say, I wish it was as easy as it sounded. I wish my mind was as ‘friendly’ as it seems to everyone that’s not me. Because every time I set it to something, it only manages to fill me with even more doubt and anxiety. And every time I set it to something, it shows a side I would’ve never even guessed could possibly exist inside of me. And every time I set it to something, I have to deal with all that comes out before I can really do anything.

And yet, every time I set my mind to something, I know it’s Him leading me somewhere I can never reach on my own. And I know He’ll eventually soothe every little thought that ever troubled me. As long as I keep Him there, at the back of my mind, deep inside my heart, with my every little attempt on anything. And I wish I never forget that, so that the next time someone decides to say something similar, it only comes out as:

“I really like how He manages to help you through whatever He sets your mind to.”


March 29, 2020