Hang in there 🤍

I know it might not seem like it on most days, but there’s so much beyond what you’re currently going through, that will slowly but surely unfold.

I know that on some days your insides can literally dry up from all the tears you shed, that you often wonder if you’ll ever be able to properly breathe again, and that all the energy you exert can feel worthless whenever your mind compares you to everyone else.

I know it gets hard to recognize what the light even looks like, when darkness seems to be a constant theme of your life.

But as cliche as it still sounds, better days are always on the way.

You will feel your smile break through your face once more, and you will realize you don’t have to fake it anymore. You will find your voice, and you will reconnect with the pieces of yourself you thought you forever lost. You will find joy in the littlest things, and you will be able to see how much your hard work has eventually paid off.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not even a year from now. But one day your heart will feel more at ease, you’ll experience a rare kind of inner peace, and so many things will start making sense.

I promise, they very much will.