
Day 1 (Nov 21): Are you done with your one page?
6 confirmations

"I usually don’t mind sharing what I wrote with some other people, but I think some people would. But I know how important it is for people to share.. to know that they aren’t alone! They are not the only people who feel this way.. some sort of way to let it out in the world." - Thank you for doing this. :') I'm sure you're not alone, too. And I'm so happy you got to write even when it wasn't necessarily involving gratitude. It's okay, you don't always have to rush into it. You'll get there at some point inshaAllah! So glad you're part of this. 🙂

Day 2 (Nov 22): Are you done with your one page?
6 confirmations

"I wrote one thing I’m grateful for but it took me somewhere totally different from gratitude. And I’m really grateful it took me there. Thanks for the person who shared their writing 💜" I really love it when my writing takes me somewhere different than what I had in mind. 🙂

Day 3 (Nov 23): Are you done with your one page?
7 confirmations

"I start with gratitude for few lines then I continue writing about other things." - I like that 🙂

"Today before writing I thought how will I fill a page with gratitude ? but it was easy elhamdolellah 🙂 Usually I write more than one page." - Soso glad to know!

Thank you for always sharing! :))

Day 4 (Nov 24): Are you done with your one page?
6 confirmations

"Before starting this challenge I used to start my writing with writing about everything I'm grateful for. In this challenge I start by choosing one thing I'm grateful for and I write why I'm grateful for it. What are my reasons." Love this, do you feel it makes more difference being more specific?

Day 5 (Nov 25): Are you done with your one page?
6 confirmations

"I think it has a positive empact on my mind. I don't know how to describe it but I think it helps if later I'm going to write about something is bothering me or I just need to write about, not to dwell in negatively" Lovelovelove!

Day 6 (Nov 26): Are you done with your one page?
6 confirmations

"To actions or decisions or hopes and dreams. About your question if it makes a difference being specific... first time I started doing I felt a nice warm feeling going through me. Writing in specific the reasons i'm grateful for made me see in 3D or made me be more present and be true or honest about what i'm grateful for" - I like that! I'm so happy you're able to reach this through you're writing!! 🙂

Day 7 (Nov 27): Are you done with your one page?
3 confirmations