Something I’ve recently heard about the word رب (God), that really stayed with me, is how it relates to the word تربية, which translates into “upbringing” or “nurture.” The way it was explained was rather more about “maturity.” On one hand, maturing something signifies you’re making it final. And on the other, there’s an actual process by which it reaches that finality. Which implies that God doesn’t just get us to the end; He actually takes us through the process by which we’re ready to reach that end. Until we make it to where we’re supposed to be. And this just constantly leaves me in awe.

Because it gives so much context to life. It gives a much better understanding for the way we grow and develop through our lives. Just yesterday, I got to do one of this week’s exercises on #TheArtistsWay that required me to write a letter from my 8-year-old self to my current one, and this concept was just so loud in every single word I was able to bring out. 8-year-old me knew nothing about change or loss. She probably knew very little about pain beyond not being allowed to watch TV past bedtime. Which makes perfect sense; she was very gently being prepared to become who I am today. To endure all what I go through today. Which is not even final either. For it’s all part of a much larger, very well-thought out process that’s supposed to get me somewhere I can never really be in without the very things I’m getting to learn at this very instant. And who can so very brilliantly take care of every little detail of it all other than Him?

The Gentlest of all. :))