For your future self

There’s nothing I enjoy more than going back to my old journals whenever a significant date comes up, and realizing I’m able to rewind back to exactly how I felt at the time. I know my dates very well; the ones that brought smiles, the ones that witnessed more tears, and the ones after which I was never the same person again. Today is one of those days, and I’m so grateful that I started journaling a lot more consistently around this time last year. Because re-reading my June 2020 very detailed entries felt like watching a really good movie that I know its ending by heart, yet can’t get enough of replaying because it’s super fun to watch the characters so oblivious to what’s about to happen to them next – while I already do! It also felt like one of those childhood movies that I completely forget about, then get to watch later as an adult, and come to brand new realizations that depend more on where I am in life and less about the movie itself. Does this make any sense?

Anyway, I just really love the fact that I get to smile while reading through the most painful memories, only because from where I stand now, I can clearly see why I had to go through them before I’m able to reach where I am. It makes me more conscious when I go through other tough times, because I know God must be watching and smiling too. Smiling at how I have absolutely no idea that His فرج (mercy/relief) is SO near. I love that only He gets to see this. And I love that I get to smile right back at Him every time things fall right in place. (:

Long story short; please remember your future self as you go through life-changing events. Future versions of you would so want to re-watch them again. Write. Paint. Shoot videos. Record voice notes. Your future self will one day thank you for it all. ✨