
So there’s this part in the movie “Ferdinand”, where the bull comes back home to meet his family – among which is a little cute puppy, Paco, who has this conversation with him:

Ferdinand: Hey, Pac-Man! I’ve missed you, dawg.

Paco: Well, I didn’t miss you. Not even a little bit. *He says this while his tail quickly wags left and right*

Ferdinand: The tail don’t lie, brother.

Paco: I’ve got to get that fixed.

I cannot help but smile every time I remember this scene. I cannot help but smile at the inability of Paco to hide his happiness upon seeing Ferdinand, for how something as simple as a tail wag could give it all away – every time. And I’ve been wondering since then, how beautiful would it have been if we had that too? If we, as humans, had that one thing that we would unconsciously do every time we try to hide our true feelings? And we’d do it every time we want to tell someone how so in love we are with their existence, without struggling to find the right words. Or every time we want to mention how deeply we’ve missed someone’s presence in our day, while not wanting to sound creepy saying it right to their face.

I’m pretty sure every person does have their own way of conveying those words, somehow. Yet still, the thought of having that one universal move that every human being cannot even stop themselves from doing every time they feel something towards someone, sounds like an extremely heartwarming idea to my brain. Especially with every new person I come across who turns out to have absolutely no clue how important it is to express the things they feel.