Feels right

There’s something about those friendships that just happen to flow, that really warms my heart. They don’t need effort, they just smoothly and beautifully flow. As if the universe somehow wants you two to get close, and so it secretly plans it all. You start off with a connection that gradually grows. Without either of you really trying to make it work. You just remember them one day as you come across a piece you know they’d relate to, and you click share. They remember you on another night while making duaa, and smile as they continue telling God all about that. You randomly feel the urge to share your happy news with them the next day, and they realize nothing has made their heart dance this loud in a really long while. And it all just continues to feel so natural, like your souls have long been connected while you didn’t know. And it all feels familiar, like you’ve already met before. Because you actually did, only that you were meant to feel more connected a few years after you first did. And you no longer question the gap. Because something about it all just feels right. ‘Righter’ than you would’ve ever thought.

April 21, 2020