Divine Answers

I love answering questions on paper.

Any kind of questions. Ones I’ve struggled to make sense of. Others that I’ve answered multiple times, yet still see their different sides every time I try them again. Even those that I know aren’t meant to be asked, because their responses would probably cause more harm than good.

I love writing them all down; allowing my pen and paper to take over and do all the magic. I always thought it’s because I have all the answers within, and just needed a medium to channel them.

Yet I’m recently realizing that it’s not about me.

I write the answers down, read through my own handwriting and truly wonder where this is even coming from. Up until my eyes involuntarily turn to the sky, and shift my attention to the actual source of it all.

As He patiently waits for me to realize, it’s been Him all along. Choosing to send me His messages, through my own words – once He can tell I’m finally open to receive. Which, on its own, is such an incredible blessing I’m not sure I deserve experiencing so warmly. 🤍