
Distance sucks. It totally does. And yet some sides of it tend to make it a little more bearable. When you know you won’t be able to experience being around someone for as long as you‘d like to, it changes a lot. You start noticing little things about them that you might’ve never paid attention to. You start recognizing those pieces of them you had no idea they’re the ones who had passed them on to you. You start putting your phone down a lot more, for you understand they won’t be around for long anyway. The conversations you used to have when you got to see them everyday, somehow sound a lot shallower compared to the ones you‘re now able to steal on the few occasions when no one can hear. You start wanting to look at them more. Like really look at them. Absorb their every tiny detail. So you can later paint more mental images of them whenever your heart aches. Your hugs feel different. Your bond feels stronger. Sometimes something about the distance somehow makes you fall in love with them even more.