The one thing I constantly realize I need to learn on this journey is that we often need a break from the things we love.

Just because we love something, doesn’t mean doing more of it won’t leave us drained. And just because we love someone, doesn’t mean we also wouldn’t need to keep some distance from them from time to time. It never means we love them any less, it just means that sometimes we need our space, we need to reconnect with ourselves, we need to rest. Sometimes we need a break from the things we love, only so we can continue doing more of them. And that’s a completely natural part of any process.

What I usually fail to realize is that even when I’m happy, I need to slow down and rest. Even when my work feels extremely rewarding, I need to pause and check-in with myself. With my needs. With how much I’m allowing myself to breathe. Just because I’m consumed with things I enjoy, doesn’t mean I should keep running without giving myself a chance to catch that breath.

I know I love creating. I love connecting. I love learning. I love facilitating sessions. I love coming up with one project after the other. I love so many things, but I often tend to forget that I’m a human being and I have a certain capacity, too. I can’t possibly do it all while running low on energy. And sooo, I’ve decided to hit pause for a while, and take some time off; a week for now inshaAllah, until I feel more balanced and ready to bounce right back – while taking care of myself.

Some of the things I aim to explore during my break is how to create that balance in my everyday life; how to willingly take care of my needs before I’m *forced* to, and what signs I need to generally pay attention to so I could tell before I’m on the way to a burnout. Any tips? 😇