Deprivation reflections

My reading/media deprivation week ends today! And even though I did some ‘cheating’ over the week, my experience still took me to places I never planned to end up in.

While this was mainly expected to impact my creativity levels, my major take was rather getting to experience what it really means to slow down. To hit pause on that constant feeling of needing to be productive, and of always being late for something.

And so here are some of things I’m so glad I came out of the week with!

My screen time dropped significantly. I’ve been struggling with this lately; every week the numbers would just shock me. Yet this week, I only used my phone to write and work on some creative projects. Looking at this at the end of the week finally brought so much peace to my insides. I was no longer ‘attached’ to my phone, I no longer received notifications that distracted me, I just used it when I needed to, and let go of it for the rest of the day. Major achievement!

For the first time in my life, I willingly allowed myself to paint. I always thought of painting as something you have to do professionally. You’re either talented, or you’re not allowed to hold a brush. There’s no in-between. But I’ve been so inspired to experiment with it lately, and it’s now become one of the most essential parts of my day. Seeing the colors inside me making it out on paper is an experience that needs a post of it’s own. Super grateful for the blessing of colors!

I decided to take myself out to the beach; something I mostly thought isn’t meant to be done alone. I allowed myself to really listen to the sound of waves, feel the sand beneath me, and connect with nature. I ended up collecting shells, which I had really enjoyed as a kid yet stopped doing as I grew older. And now I’m still thinking of something creative to make out of my new collection!

I did so much tidying around the house. Being so aware of my surroundings made my need for more space a lot more essential. I started wanting to create more empty space around me. I moved some furniture, got rid of others, and allowed myself to exist in the kind of space that made me comfortable. I also finished all my old laundry that was lying there idle. And for the first time in a really long while, I actually took the time to fold my laundry. Something I haven’t done in months, if not years! It felt super satisfying, even though I’ve always thought it’s totally pointless.

I stared at the ceiling. Just that. Done so much of it. I would just sit there and allow my thoughts to wander around freely. I reached so many conclusions out of doing it. I also ended up having so many conversations with God that I couldn’t grasp I had been missing out on all along in the midst of every ‘busy’ day. Never giving up on that again.

I allowed myself to have more of my meals without distractions. It’s always been something happening somewhere in the background. I’d be watching a video, and eating. I’d be on my phone, and crunching something on the side. I’d go for a walk, while finishing my sandwich. Only focusing on my food and really taking it in with all my senses, made me tear up one time, as I realized how grateful I am for a blessing I’ve so been taking for granted.

I wrote, and wrote. Then wrote some more. I had to start a new notebook because the kind of writing that came out of me couldn’t really fit in any of my old categories. I have around 5-6 ongoing notebooks and yet I had to start a new one just for the words/thoughts that came along with this experience.

I can keep going on and on. The point is, I happened to do so many seemingly “ordinary” activities, and yet their impact has been nothing near that. I don’t know how long this will last, now that I’m mostly back. Yet all I know is, I finally understand what it means to be able to breath. I had really missed that feeling.

Alhamdulillah. 🙂