Days and nights

There’s so much beauty in the way days blend into nights and nights blend into days so gently and consistently. I’ve lately been finding joy in leaving my curtains so widely open, especially at the beginning of every day when the sunlight starts creeping in so warmly. And every time the morning light spreads all over my insides, I feel like it would be so incredibly hard to part ways with all this in the evening, and have to wait again until the next morning. And yet, something about the sun setting always feels right. As I sit there on my couch at the end of every day watching everything slowly getting darker and quieter, it just... feels right. Like it’s the universe’s way of allowing us to pause. To settle. To breath in and out, and go a little easy on everyday’s wrestles. Because no matter what happens in the world, the sun will continue to rise every morning, the birds will continue to sing, and we can only pray we’d find it in us to stop for a moment, and truly appreciate it. ( :

July 14, 2020