Daily Practice

Here’s the thing: When you commit to a daily practice, it’s certainly not always rainbows and butterflies! 👀

After 2+ years of journaling consistently, it still often gets hard for me, especially at the end of those days when I don’t have time to breathe. And yet, I’ve promised myself to commit to the process with as little time/effort as possible, so I don’t end up losing the connection.

What often happens when we miss a day or two on any practice, is that it spirals. The perfectionist insides jumps to an all-or-nothing thinking, and before we know it, we’re giving up on the whole thing.

Journaling personally helped me get over this by showing me how just a little bit of it is often more than enough. I don’t need to write long paragraphs or fill many pages to be able to maintain the connection.

Sometimes it’s just those 5 minutes before bed that can make all the difference. 🤍

Even if my brain has already shut down.
Even if what I’m writing makes no sense.
Even if my handwriting looks too messy.

At least I get to say I’ve journaled for the day. And the next morning when I wake up, I can easily pick up from where I left off. (:

P.S. Consider keeping a journal and a pen next to your bed for similar emergencies. 😇