Creative Partner

This project aims to connect creatives in all fields, to find the support they need.

Whether you’re passionate about writing, drawing, dancing, designing, painting, crocheting, cooking, photography, videography, playing an instrument - absolutely anything related to arts and creativity, this is for you!

You don’t have to be a professional in the field, just an interest is all that’s needed (and maybe a voice at the back of your head that’s pushing you to make something out of it!), as well as a willingness to support other people, too.

As a creative (which we all are), it’s really important to connect with someone who does not only hold you accountable to things you want to commit to, but who also shares a similar passion and can engage in conversations you might not be able to have with others in your circles. Someone who can inspire you just as much as you inspire them, while you’re both set on your own creative journeys. You can discuss your goals and dreams, help each other stay on track, explore how to manage resources, share advice, and provide feedback if needed.

There’s so much potential that can come from having a creative partner!

If you want to be among the first group of creatives who get paired, fill in the form now and wait for an email soon after! 🙂