Conversations On Paper

Day 1 (Mar 13): Are you done with your line for the day?
8 confirmations

"It turned to an unsent letter. I couldn't write his response. I couldn't be unbiased even for a minute or two. I was snapped at him after pouring my feelings down through words, so angry that I couldn't think of anything he would possibly say in reply." – It's totally, totally, totally fine. And it's definitely a great step that you poured out your feelings for a start. Take your time 🙂

"I had a conversation with a friend that left me and chose to stay away. This is the case with other friends as well. It felt relieving a bit as hopefully it will reduce my sense of guilt a bit." – I can relate! Glad it felt relieving.

"I had a conversation that happened before and might happen again soon, and I wrote it exactly how I want it to be. That felt nice actually as if confirming how I want it to be; I feel it is a preparation for the real one." – Ooh! That's very smart. I hope you're able to smoothly go through it if/when it happens again.

"I chose to write to my manager hehe, and I kept writing tell I got exhausted and decided to give myself another shot to complete the process tomorrow and be logical when I imaging his reply, I am giving myself the try to analyze my feelings and thoughts so don't overreact and put an endpoint to what I feel.about the Ayah:سبحان الله كنت واقفه على سجادة الصلاة فى الفجر وسمعت ايه " الله ولى الذين امنو يخرجهم من الظلمات الى النور " وحسيت كده احساس المعية ، يعنى مجرد ايمانك ينقذك من كل العك والظلمة فى داخلك وفى الخارج عارفة لما تكونى متقنة شئ زى مادة معينة وحفظاها عن ظهر قلب ، حسيت كده مع كلمة الايمان فحاولت أجرد الفكرة ، ان احنا مؤمنين عن ظهر قلب وكل محاولتنا فى الحياة اننا نكون صالحين واننا نتقى الله دوما وكل الرحلة حقيقى محاولات مننا وده وان دل يدل ان فى ايمان وقر فى قلوبنا، بس احنا بنحس دايما اننا ممتلكين زمام الأمور وان كل شئ على عاتقنا احنا ورحلة التغيير كلها علينا، مع ان بشوية تفكير هو تيسير ربنا وهو تسهيله وهو فعل الله فينا ، وبمجرد التسليم بيحصل التمكين فعلا، فبتعرف تشوف و بتشوف نوره فعلا واللى هو انا ليه زى اللى بيحفر فى حجر ما الدنيا سهلة اهيه وبسيطة ، ايمانك اللى وقر فى قلبك كفيل يخرج من كل ظلمة غرقان فيها وبتحاول تتفلحس انه بمجهودك الفردى هتطلع منها بدون ما تستعين وتسلم لله.فأحب أقول لنفسى :  مجرد ايمانك ينقذك يا جوجو ، محتاجة اليقين وحسن الظن بالله والتسليم. Thank you Basma, With endless love <3" Totally love that you gave yourself a break when you needed one. This Ayah is definitely one of my favorites, and this was an absolutely beauuuutiful reflection! Thanks a million for sharing. So much love right back at you! ♥️

Day 2 (Mar 14): Are you done with your line for the day?
10 confirmations

"Also this time I couldn't turn my writing into a conversation 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just wrote about my feelings about the event and that's it! Anyways, even writing about it in general, helped. It was a traumatic incident so I needed to vent it out for so long"  I'm sorry for whatever it is that you've gone through. I really, really am. But I'm SO glad you're using writing to bring that out in some way. It doesn't have to be a conversation if you don't feel like it; it's already GREAT that you're choosing to bring it out in words despite the heavy feelings. I hope you're eventually able to find the relief you need. ♥️

"I analyzed the event and understood more my feelings and motives behind it. it allowed me to learn something new and I came out with a couple of lessons" – Soso glad this was your experience. :))

"I chose to write about my postponed graduation ceremony , but honestly it was hard to write a conversation." – Ouch! That must have been really hard...

"i did write to an event it was tough cause i had to remember the hardest day of my life" – I'm so sorry. I hope you're able to heal, slowly..

"I had a conversation with an event (my period) and it felt weird actually. Hopefully this will help in being at peace with it in the future inshallah ♥️" – Wow that's a big one. Definitely deserves some exploration! Thank you for sharing this 🙂

Day 3 (Mar 15): Are you done with your line for the day?
10 confirmations

"Finally I can say I managed to have a conversation with the prompt :D🕺" – Yaaaaayyy! 😀 I hope that went well!

"واحدة من الحاجات الصعبة فى التحدى ده انى أفكر فى الطرف التانى هيقول ايه مع محاولة انى أبقى محايد و دايما محملش الطرف التانى كل الغلط و اللوم. الغريب إنى فى العادة بعرف أرسم حوارات بسيناريوهات مختلفة و أحط كل الإحتمالات لو رايح أكلم حد فى حاجة مهمة بس يمكن المرة ده أصعب علشان بحاول أبقى أقل تحاملا على الطرف الاخر. فى نفس الوقت بحاول مأرميش الغلط كله على نفسى فهو ده اللى مخلى الموضوع صعب من ناحيتى. يمكن كمان المرة دى التفكير فى اللى بكتبه بياخد وقت و بحس إنى بحتاج وقت أكبر بس ده مش متاح ليا دلوقتى علشان أكتب conversation كويسة." – الوقت عامل مهم جدا جدا فعلا، ممكن لو فيه حاجة حاسس انك عايز تستكشفها أكتر، اكتبها على جنب وارجعلها يوم تاني لما يكون عندك وقت/مساحة أكبر. حاجة كمان، فعلا فعلا تخيل الرد حاجة صعبة، أحيانا بيبقى مفيد اننا نبقى محايديين، بس أحيانا بيبقى صعب وده طبيعي جدا، فساعات أنا باستخدم الموضوع فإني أكتب الرد اللي أنا محتاجة أسمعه. حتى لو أنا عارفة انه ممكن يكون مش حقيقي أوي أو مش منطقي، بس طالما هيريحني شوية فهو يستاهل انه يتكتب لحد ما أبقى قادرة أوصل لرد أكثر منطقية في وقت تاني. مش عارفة لو دي حاجة صح أوي بس بتساعدني أحيانا.

"Why do we sometimes fear being responsible for our decisions to the extent that we don’t take them !! 🤭 for me it is usually the fear of failure but still exploring the other reasons 😬😬" – That's an interesting one and I'm sure many can relate! Keep exploring ♥️

"As I have issues with my career path I couldn't do it, but I wrote lines today Alhamdoullah ... have a nice night dear." – I'm glad you did write. 🙂 Maybe try writing about those issues, or writing to the career path you wish you would follow? *just a suggestion*

Day 4 (Mar 16): Are you done with your line for the day?
9 confirmations

"I'd a conversation with my curly hair 🤷🏻‍♀️" – Oooh, super interesting!

"I feel comfortable about what I wrote but I will definitely return back to write more or updates for the conversations." – Sounds great.

"I don't know why I just can't decide what/who to have a conversation with. Although I'm excited about the idea itself and I love talking so much but I just don't know how to start. I am honestly disappointed and a little frustrated but I know that it's okay and I'll just try again tomorrow insha'Allah." – It's definitely okay :') Take your time with it, no rush at all. ♥️

Day 5 (Mar 17): Are you done with your line for the day?
8 confirmations

"write a letter to your future self and how you want your life to be growing up" – interesting one!

Day 6 (Mar 18): Are you done with your line for the day?
7 confirmations

"I googled "emotional wheel" and I was expecting to see sth I'm already familiar with. However, I was amazed that there are more emotions than I ever thought 😀 Also, This challenge shed the light on how terrible I am at having conversations. Besides, (This was the new one) conversations are not crucial for me!"  I know right?! The Emotion Wheel is such an awesome resource!! And this is such an interesting realization! Maybe we don't need to be good at things we don't really care much about after all.

"Yes and I love this ♥️" – So glad you do :')

Day 7 (Mar 19): Are you done with your line for the day?
9 confirmations

"Thank youuu 🤍" – You're most welcome! ♥️♥️

"أوقات كتيرة يا بسمة بيبقى صعب نعبر ونكتب ونسأل نفسنا اصلا وتجاوب، ساعات الأسئلة كده بتعمل ازعاج جوانا معندناش صبر عليه فبمنكتبش ونتفادى الإزعاج وفتح الدفاتر ، لكن محاولاتنا مستمرة اننا نعبر والله ، المسار ده كان مُلهم جدا ودسم وعلى المستوى الشخصي تقيل لكن يستحق التجربة شكرا على وجودك ♥️♥️" –  صح جدا، أوقات الكتابة بتبقى تقيلة والأسئلة بتبقى صعبة. لكن زي مابتقولي، دايما بنحاول 🙂