Challenge #2

Challenge #1 ends tomorrow and it really is, by far, my favorite thing to have started on this page!

(Click here to read some reflections along the way from the awesome people who’ve been part of this!)

I’ve learned so much through the process, and just watching how persistent some people were with their writing, and how many others have been constantly trying to pick themselves up along the way, helped (and inspired) me on a very personal level.

I never knew this was even possible, but I’m walking out of this challenge with a much stronger belief in the importance of writing, and an even stronger desire to continue spreading this as much and as loud as I can! And so here’s me committing to weekly challenges going forward inshaAllah. Let’s see where this journey takes us.

Our second challenge has been suggested by Rasha Mansy, one of the beautiful participants who’s been committed all along. 😍

Living in a world with so many distractions, it really is becoming hard to set aside a few minutes just for ourselves, with the endless responsibilities, as well as our phones beeping every few seconds. And so this challenge is an attempt to practice being a little more mindful. Turn on your flight mode, set your timer, hold your pen (or phone/laptop) and just keep writing. For 10 minutes straight. No interruptions allowed. Then repeat for 7 days! 🙆🏻‍♀️

Up for it? Click here. I’ll let you know more along the way. Also bring a friend along, they’ll thank you for it later! *wink wink*