Challenge #1

If there’s one thing I’m constantly learning through my writing journey, it would be this:

You’ve got to start somewhere.

A few years back, I used to cringe whenever I heard a statement like that.

It would sound too cliché, and somehow, unrealistic to the perfectionist in me. Who always chose to either do it all, or do nothing at all.

Every time I attempted to start daily writing, I would ‘mess it up’ upon missing just one day, after which I’d completely give up for weeks. For so long, I had been obsessed with extending my streaks, rather than enjoying the process and allowing it to gently take me where I’m meant to be.

Only when I let go of trying to ‘set a goal’ for my habits, was I able to continue writing everyday, for over 7 months now; the longest I’ve probably ever been consistent with anything in my life. Because for the first time ever, I don’t really care where I’m going with it. I just know I don’t need to be anywhere but here. Wherever I am right now.

I never planned any of this; it all happened so randomly. And so I’m inviting you, as you (not so) randomly come across this post, to join me on this challenge. There’s nothing in specific that we’re trying to get out of this; we’ll find out where it randomly takes us as we go.

10 mins out of your 1,440 mins a day, is all you need.

You don’t need to write about your deepest, darkest secrets. You don’t need to help yourself through traumas. You don’t need to come up with anything heavy. (You can if you *want* to though!) This could just be as simple as writing down the groceries you need to buy for the day. Or planning your endless to-do list that you need to get out of the way. Anything that gets those fingers moving.

If you’re up for it, fill in this form, so we could help each other stay on track. Share it with anyone you know would be interested. And let the journey of absolute randomness begin!