Category: The Artist’s Way

You know how to write

I never really used to ask anyone to try writing, before I started my Morning Pages. At some point, I thought that writing (and making art in general) was exclusive to some people. Whenever I’d suggest it to anyone, the first response would be: “I don’t know how to write.” And that would just convince […]

My Jannah on Earth

Growing up, I always had a hard time imagining Jannah. Whenever I heard this part of the Hadith, my mind would always go blank. I mean, if it has everything I can’t even possibly think of, how in the world am I supposed to imagine anything? And yet, something has been changing recently. I started […]

Deprivation reflections

My reading/media deprivation week ends today! And even though I did some ‘cheating’ over the week, my experience still took me to places I never planned to end up in. While this was mainly expected to impact my creativity levels, my major take was rather getting to experience what it really means to slow down. […]


Something I’ve recently heard about the word رب (God), that really stayed with me, is how it relates to the word تربية, which translates into “upbringing” or “nurture.” The way it was explained was rather more about “maturity.” On one hand, maturing something signifies you’re making it final. And on the other, there’s an actual […]

Days and nights

There’s so much beauty in the way days blend into nights and nights blend into days so gently and consistently. I’ve lately been finding joy in leaving my curtains so widely open, especially at the beginning of every day when the sunlight starts creeping in so warmly. And every time the morning light spreads all […]

My new alarm clock

Around 3 weeks ago, I got myself a new alarm clock, but was too hesitant to start using it right away. I don’t quite remember the last time I actually used one, since my phone has pretty much been my alarm for the past 10 years or so. Yesterday, I decided I no longer wanted […]


One thing that resonated with me this week on The Artist’s Way is this sentence: “In order to have self-expression, we must first have a self.” We must first have a self. It’s crazy, I would’ve thought earlier. Of course I have a self. How else would I be here, how else would I exist? Right […]

Media deprivation week

This is one of the major parts of Week 4, which I’m currently equally excited and scared to start! Originally starting as “Reading Deprivation” in 1992, and later evolving to include Social Media and the like, one of the main aims of this is to help you ‘consume’ less, and allow yourself more time and […]

I feel safe

Today was the last day of my Week 1. This was one of the most overwhelming weeks of my life. On a personal level, and on a global one just as much. When I checked in to see how I feel on the inside, I realized I‘m calm and at peace. I believe it’s largely […]

My first artist’s date

This is an idea I came across and really wanted to experiment with, so I decided to give it a try today. I knew it was going to be hard, but I did not know it would fill me with all this joy. It felt too good, I wanted to share it with everyone I […]