Category: Spiritual Insights

كن فيكون

Sometimes certain things don’t happen right when our hearts long for them, just because He knows that the joy and contentment they’d bring along when they later come to life – after all the unease, the flow of tears, the pep talk, and the excruciating pain, would be indescribable in comparison to what we believe […]

When you make it

There will come a time when you’ll finally make sense of everything you’ve been through that only left you confused earlier. You’ll feel a special kind of contentment deep inside your soul upon realizing you’re living through all what you once prayed for – sometimes even so silently. When you make it there (and you […]

إن مع العسر يسرا

At the end of my crazy days, there’s always this moment on my way back home when everything shushes for a while, despite the headache, despite all the unpleasant feelings that have been triggered, despite everything, when I realize that the day is indeed over and that I’m able to let out a final sigh […]

ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب

Sometimes I wonder if I could have ever survived through the hardships of this life without believing in a God. Without being able to talk to Him and tell Him how much it all hurts, and how much I just don’t understand. Sometimes I wonder if I would’ve been able to stay sane without remembering […]

وقولوا للناس حسنا

“And say good things to people.” Everything about this sentence is extremely beautiful. The fact that on the verse where it’s mentioned, we’re asked to say good things to people *before* we’re asked to pray and give charity. The fact that the sentence structure makes “حُسنا” (good), both a مفعول به and a حال (an […]

خطوات الشيطان

This might sound weird, but if we really take a moment to think about it, there is something for us to actually LEARN from Satan. Particularly how his evil intentions and acts are continuously referred to as “steps”. Because when he wants to take someone off a certain path, he never does it right away. […]

إن الله يحب التوابين

“Verily, Allah loves those who frequently turn (to Him) with repentance.” My journal entires for the last couple of days have been highlighting how much I’m having a hard time forgiving. Forgiving myself, above all. I’ve been befriending many parts of me lately; parts I’d been having trouble with. I’m getting to understand them better, […]