Category: Quarantine thoughts

والله يرزق من يشاء بغير حساب

وَاللَّهُ يَرْزُقُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ (البقرة: ٢١٢) Translation: [And God provides for whomever He wills without measure.] (Al-Baqarah: 212) With the virus continuing to take over our outdoor life, I’m getting the chance to catch up on some Netflix shows, after long weeks of not having the time or energy to even ‘think’ about […]

Travel ban

  Every night I decide I’m not going to write about this, yet every night the coronavirus continues taking over my thoughts. No matter how much I try to distract myself, it always comes up. With every time I refresh my newsfeed. With the unprecedented visibility of hand sanitizers everywhere. With my inability to shake […]


  Being someone who always looks for reasons, tries to connect the dots, and pays attention to the little signs, sometimes adds an unconscious weight on my shoulders when something this big happens and my very human mind realizes it’s not able to make complete sense out of it. Especially when I unawarely keep fishing […]

Ramadan 2020

  Ramadan has always been special in every possible way. Every year, I notice how I keep reminiscing about the previous one. How it was perfect, how I wish I can relive through it, and how I’ll forever cherish its memories. Yet I only realize how special it is when it’s over; when I’m looking […]

When it finally got to me

  I‘m not okay. I mean I am okay, it’s just that… well, I’m not. I don’t know what it is. I wish I can point at something and say THIS is what’s causing all the discomfort. But I don’t know, and it sucks. I’m okay with the aloneness, I’m just not okay that it’s […]

A quarantine dream

Here’s a completely aimless post from my quarantined subconscious mind. Of a weird dream I had last night and felt a random urge to document. Here’s how it went: I‘d been debating whether to leave the house or not during our 24-hour lockdown, when I heard a loud noise outside. Turned out it had been […]

Let them be

  Something has been bugging me lately about the way we’re choosing to deal with people within our circles whenever they start complaining about the current situation. Those who might be mentally struggling more than they can ever really show or tell. It’s about how we keep trying to stuff their faces with all the […]

Initial thoughts

  There isn’t a single person I know of right now who isn’t affected by this in some way. There isn’t even one discussion I have that doesn’t revolve around it, and my social media platforms are bombarded just as much. Everyone’s worried, everyone’s confused, everyone’s anxious. And everyone has the right to feel the […]