Category: Quarantine thoughts

End of year reflections

When this year started, I thought it was going to be “my year.” I remember a precise moment, at the very beginning, when I was recording a voice message to my best friend, explaining how my life finally seems to make sense; how so many of the “hardships” of the previous year had to happen, […]

Blame – A love language

I’ve always wanted to learn about love languages, But I was never taught blame is one of them. Turns out it’s okay for people to make you feel guilty about who you are, all in the name of love. All because they want to be part of your life. They can speak words that keep […]

The light in my kitchen

I have this light in my kitchen that I never switch on myself. Someone does it for me every now and then. I know this sounds weird, but I don’t have access to the switch and it’s funny because I don’t know who does. At different times, I hear the sound of someone hitting a […]

Anne with an E – the finale!

For the longest time, I’ve been putting off watching the final episode of Anne with an E because I knew it would break my heart to realize I’ve nothing more of it to watch. But I eventually brought myself to it, and oh well, it was heartbreaking in every sense. :’) This was the scene that […]

I am enough

Here’s a story of a ring I ordered over 3 months ago. I came across its ad while scrolling, and I no longer even get surprised when those ads turn out to know what’s going on my mind more than I do. It was around a phase when I was really struggling with the idea […]

Alive through Art

I’ve always had trouble internalizing death news of certain figures that I never personally knew, yet that have touched my life in some way. I hardly understood what that meant. Maybe it‘s denial, maybe it’s the fact that I never met them in real life, maybe it’s how I simply choose to deal with heavy […]


I love online calls. But I also kinda really dislike them. I love online calls for connecting me with people I might’ve otherwise lost touch with. I love them for allowing me to attend events around the world from the comfort of my couch. Yet I dislike them. I dislike how I’m never able to […]

The world is a scary place

Every time I put down my phone, I can’t help but think: it’s too scary to ever bring children to this world. This has always been such a scary thought. Yet with all that I keep scrolling through lately, it has never felt ‘scarier.’ I watch little kids everywhere I go, and I secretly envy […]

Social media

Ever since I came back to Social Media, I haven’t been okay. I haven’t been my usual self. I’ve been thinking about whether or not it was a right decision to quit for 40 days. At the time, it sounded like exactly what I needed. I wanted to experience a different Ramadan and I did. […]

إن الله مع الصابرين

  يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلاةِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ (سورة البقرة: ١٥٣) Translation: [O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with those who patiently persevere.] (Al-Baqarah: 153) Patience is hard. To have patience with the loss. To continue having patience through the heartbreaks. To remember […]