Category: Notes-to-self


  This one’s a reminder for me. For every little feeling I’ve felt. That made absolutely no sense to anyone, but me. It’s valid. It’s real. It’s your right to feel. No one has to be convinced. No one has to make sense of it. No one at all. You feel it. You explore it. […]

We’re different

  We’re different. We process our experiences and emotions differently. There are no rules on this. If someone reacts in a way that doesn’t make sense to you, I promise, there’s nothing ‘wrong’ about them. Or about you. It’s just that, we’re different. And you can never really put yourself in someone else’s shoes when […]

You are good enough

You are good enough. You really, really are. You deserve to be loved and cared for, for no other reason than you being you. You deserve to be loved unconditionally and you deserve to be cared for the way you want, not the way others choose. You deserve to be looked at like you’re the […]