Category: Notes-to-self

Everyone has their days

Here’s a reminder, for myself before anyone else: Everyone’s going through something. Everyone has their days. Not knowing all about what someone is going through, doesn’t automatically mean they’re okay. I’ve had (very close) friends, on multiple occasions, tell me stories of tough times they’d been through, years after they happened – while I was […]

It’s okay

It’s okay. It’s okay to slip back into older versions of yourself sometimes. It’s okay to feel like you’re back to point zero, and that you’ve been convincing yourself you’ve made progress while you’re still exactly where you’ve always been. It’s okay to feel your anxiety rocketing back up on some days. It doesn’t mean […]

There’s no deadline

It’s okay. We’re all in this together. It’s just that not everyone is willing to share their failures so openly, but we all fail so terribly most of the time. And that’s okay. You’re not behind. It’s not a race. You don’t need to follow a specific timeline. There’s no deadline. And you’re exactly where […]

You don’t need to prove anything to anyone

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but you really don’t. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. There will always be expectations, there will always be places they’ll make you feel you have to reach, or dreams that aren’t even yours yet you still feel you’re expected to achieve. You really […]

Dear self

Dear self, You’ve gone a long way. You really, really have. On most days, it might feel like you’re exactly where you’ve always been; you haven’t moved forward, you’re still stuck in the same mental loops. But you and I, know you very much aren’t. We both know it’s usually just a phase of losing […]

When you’re ready

The universe has this way of quietly keeping all the things you’ll ever want in store for you, and only handing them out when you really ask for them. When you make noise about your need for them, when every conversation you ever have includes some element of them, when even your own reflection in […]

Is it real?

Everything looks so pretty from the outside. Everyone unintentionally makes everything look so pretty from the outside. But then you take a closer look, and you find out for yourself. You realize very little of it is actually true. And yet you still unintentionally make it look pretty from the outside to others, too. Maybe […]


Note-to-self: Procrastination is anxiety. Or it can be. So before you make plans, create more to-do lists, then get mad at yourself for not following through, maybe – just maybe, try listening to what you’re not really telling yourself. Often times you might only need a pat on the shoulder and assurance that it’s going […]

The signs

Note-to-self: When all the signs seem to take your attention off all what you originally thought you‘ve so badly wanted, please remember to let go. Because while you might not know it at the time, you’ll eventually be mind-blown by all what the universe will end up having in store for you. Once it realizes […]

It will make sense

  It doesn’t make sense now. It totally doesn’t. But sometime, somewhere in the future, you might randomly look back at it all. And you might realize, it could’ve have never happened any other way. And it will make sense then. I promise, it very much will. April 8, 2020