Category: Notes-to-self

It’s not about them

Sometimes things only make it into our lives, just so we can learn they’re shortly meant to make it out. Sometimes it’s hard to allow ourselves to enjoy them, when we’re certain they’re not meant to last. And yet, it’s exactly in their temporary presence that we’re meant to meet certain versions of ourselves that […]

Believe in Yourself

If the whole world continues to tell you you’re talented at something – that you don’t allow yourself to believe because of some embedded unjustifiable presumptions, no amount of external validation will ever get you to internalize it. And if the whole world turns against the one thing you’re crazy about and that your heart […]

No one’s life is struggles-free

I was recently scrolling through the stories of a woman whose Instagram posts have played a huge role in my journey towards accepting various pieces of myself. She was responding to some assumptions about her, and a couple of people said things along the lines of; you must really love yourself, you’re secure about how […]

Lessons before people

If you really think about it, your lessons and afflictions are always chosen for you way before your people. He knows you, He knows exactly what you need to learn and what you can endure at certain phases of your life, and so He sends you those who’ll help get you there, because it’s what […]

The old versions of you

Maybe you can try to accept that the older versions of yourself will continue to exist somewhere inside you, no matter how much you grow and evolve. Watching them resurface from time to time doesn’t mean the newer versions of yourself never existed. It just means… that you’re human. You’re human, and it’s okay to […]

Triggers do not define you

It’s okay to realize you’re still getting triggered by the very same things, because it was never really the trigger that needs work; it’s more of your reaction to it. There’s nothing wrong with falling back into old patterns of thought. It doesn’t mean an old version of you will instantly prevail. Your reaction can […]

You’re not behind

I know it might not seem like it on most days, but you’re not behind. I promise. You’re not alone either. There are so many people on this path with you, but we often fail to see those right next to us, because we’re constantly distracted by those who’ve been running their own miles for […]


you never have to have it worse than everyone else just so you can finally admit you’re feeling overwhelmed. there’s no checklist of struggles you’re supposed to maintain before you’re allowed to complain about how brutal life can get. no one has the right to decide if a word someone randomly said can’t be as […]


Nothing brings more peace to my insides than being able to internalize I’ll forever be a work-in-progress; never meant to make it to a “finished” version of myself. There will always be something I’ll need to work on, something I’ll need to overcome – depending on what life will continue bringing along. As long as […]

Life ≠ A Race

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been coming across very inspiring people who’re very skilled at the things they do, and the common thing among them is usually that they’ve all been doing those things for a really long time. I would listen to them talk about their very early days, and how they’ve […]