Category: Inside my head

If You Were A Feeling…

“If you were a feeling, what would you choose to be?” That feeling one gets inside once they start healing. When the pain starts easing, and they physically feel their broken pieces so carefully being mended; aware that very little of them might be restored into their origins, yet contentedly accepting the very new ravishing […]


Adronitis (n.): frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone—spending the first few weeks chatting in their psychological entryway, with each subsequent conversation like entering a different anteroom, each a little closer to the center of the house—wishing instead that you could start there and work your way out, exchanging your deepest […]

The Human Lab

Here’s to one of the most exciting projects I’ve ever been part of. One that couldn’t have possibly made it into my life at a ‘righter’ time! The Human Lab has been bringing to life everything I’ve personally been experiencing throughout my writing journey, yet never really knew how to give any of it an […]

Shared trauma

Tonight, I got to hear a beautiful person so courageously share a very traumatic story of hers, and I teared up. I teared up and felt a lump in my throat that I hadn’t experienced in a really long while. Not because I could relate. And not because of the details of the story. But […]

You are a writer

A few years back, I never found it in me to refer to myself as a ‘writer.’ In my head, I thought a writer is someone who always has something to write about. Ideas, arguments, opinions, things to say. And well, I’ve never been anywhere near that. I was scared to call myself one, because […]

Burnout thoughts

“What? You, too? I thought it was only me!” If this sentence sounds ‘relatable’ to you, you must have experienced some kind of relatability at some point, too. Relating to someone else allows you to see pieces of who you are reflected somewhere outside your own self, which can further strengthen the connection you feel […]

Late responder

I am a late responder. That’s just who I am. Sometimes it takes me days to reply back to a very simple text, and no matter how much I try to change that, it will always be who I am. I turn it into a joke most of the time, but I’ve finally decided to […]

Has passion ever been a choice?

At some point in my life, years back, I was obsessed with the idea of defining myself through the things I do. I’d look around, and watch pieces of that in everyone else but me. As in, every time I thought of someone, something always stood out about them. This person has a beautiful voice, […]

Words have power

This is yet another reflection on the most precious gift I’ve received for my birthday! Among the words I got to read, were messages copied from conversations I’ve had with the people who shared them, reflecting on how something I once said has affected them in some way. And that was just one of the […]

My birthday surprise

Yesterday, I received the most precious gift of my life. A book made up of reflections about my own words, from the most genuine people I’m so blessed to have crossed paths with. I don’t think anything can ever top this. I have read and reread everyone’s words so many times since last night, and […]