Category: Inside my head

Dear Mind

Dear mind, I’ve been angry at you for too long, but right now I’m not. I’m just confused. And the more I know about you, the more it confuses me. I get it, you’re trying to protect me. You’ve been trying to protect me all along. But sometimes I wonder what is it that you’re […]

Will I ever learn my lesson?

This time This time last year, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted. My mind was on fire, making up scenarios of all the places I could end up in, if only I’d have that one thing I desperately longed for. I prayed, and cried, and hurt myself trying to get hold of it. […]

It scares me

It scares to realize I’m able to wake up on some days having absolutely no feelings towards people or things that I’d been totally obsessed with just the night before. It’s like someone manages to get access to a switch inside me that I never knew exists, and turns it off while I’m even looking. […]

Only if you get to be me

Green. Blue. Yellow. Purple. Orange. Grey. They all bring certain colors to your mind, don’t they? Could there possibly be a way for you to tell if the color you see, is the same one that comes up for me? I mean, yes, we can look at the same color and give it the same […]

Bricks and walls

It’s not you, and it’s not me It’s all those who came before you and walked away Totally convinced it’s me I wasn’t born behind those walls I watched them grow, brick by brick People continue to come and go And I continue to build more of them I accidentally spill a detail about myself […]

My self-doubt

My final scores come out They’re all perfect As with a single B That my mind decides to only focus on So it can silently start shouting; I’m not good enough A friend asks for my help During the busiest week of my life I have to tell her I can’t And my mind picks […]


I’ve always been a big fan Of giving everything a name Of looking feelings right in the eye And calling them out For everything they are And everything that they shame If I call this love, and I call that loss If I call this anxiety, and I call that pain Maybe I can wake […]


I was recently listening to an actor on an interview discussing the role he played on his latest show. He explained how the major inspiration for his performance was a trip he went on before they start shooting, where he got to spend some time with his elder brother. And just noticing the man (he […]

I wish

I wish it was okay for people to openly admit they’re tired, without anyone rushing to make things better for them right away. Because there will always be those things that can’t just be made better anyway. So they end up carrying a heavier burden of their inability to allow others to fix things for […]

The elephant in the room

Sometimes I wish the elephant in the room was more of a bird or a butterfly. Something that maybe occasionally comes and goes; flies by and then flies away every once in a while, instead of intensely feeling it every time we’re inside. Anything that just wouldn’t physically feel this heavy the more we pretend […]