Category: Inside my head


Time works in weird ways. I mean, 5 minutes are always the same exact 5 minutes. But they don’t seem like it when you hit snooze on your morning alarm after you’ve had a long night. Or 5 minutes at the doctor’s office, as you anxiously wait for news about a loved one’s condition. The […]

Narrator’s voice

Sometimes I wish I had some kind of narrator’s voice for my life. Sometimes I wish someone could tap me on the shoulder while I’m absentmindedly living through an ordinary moment and scream: Pay attention, because THIS is a moment you’d want to remember for the rest of your life! So I could maybe take […]

Letters to the current version of myself

Every time I attempt to write a letter from future me to the current version of myself, she ends up sounding like the kindest, most considerate person I’ve ever met. And I just don’t get how I still believe in a gentler side of me, when all I do is roast my old selves in […]

The thoughts I forget

The thoughts I forget… They make it feel like I have some kind of hole inside my head, where all the ideas I once had and all the words that roamed around, get swallowed up and never find their way back. Where do they go? How do they all fit in wherever they end up? […]

The Hurt Cycle

Every time I sit down to write a piece of my story that involves someone else, my heart starts racing as I imagine them reading it. I write about the words they said that stuck with me for years, as I doubted everything about my existence. I write about the looks they thought I missed […]

A list of 100 things I believe in

Today I got to learn about how lists can be a powerful journaling tool, especially lists of 100s. Then I came across a list of 100 things to write 100 things about, and I couldn’t not attempt to start one of them. So I chose to write a list of 100 things I believe in. […]

You never have to befriend your triggers

I stand in line to get a number, and counter 8 is where my fate brings me. A man with no smile, few words, and an eye that doesn’t wait long before it starts judging. What are you here for? He asks. There’s so much happening on the inside. I stutter. I can see the […]

Watching people cry

I keep trying to explain what it’s like to watch someone cry. And yet I fail. I keep trying to explain the sudden overload of emotions I’m bombarded with whenever someone’s tears involuntarily slides down their cheeks, reminding me that I might know that feeling. That I can find it somewhere inside me, and that […]


Every time my phone’s battery dies and I have to run over to grab the charger, I can’t help but admire how it hardly ever turns on right when I plug it in. My phone usually takes a few minutes to gain some momentum, before it’s ready to resume its work again. No matter how […]

Growing up

I’m slowly realizing how the process of growing up is majorly about un-doing. Un-learning. Un-cluttering. Un-layering what we never consciously chose to internalize over the years. Un-bridling the invisible constraints we made up before we could assess their truths. Un-locking the doors we’ve been told to never even touch their knobs. Un-loading the baggages we […]