Category: Inside my head

Gifts from the past

If there’s one thing I feel grateful to my younger self for right now, it would be the fact that she’s allowed herself to sit with and process her feelings through certain events that once hurt her – despite the discomfort I’m sure it brought. Because when the same events hurt me again today in […]

I forgive myself…

I forgive myself for being so overprotective of my heart, for numbing my feelings and convincing my mind it’s all out of strength, when really, I had been trying to avoid getting hurt. I forgive myself for not knowing how to express my needs, for believing that un-wanting things is the way to survive. I […]

More than an Algorithm

On some days, I’d be aimlessly scrolling through my feed, and somehow, every post I’d come across would seem like it’s directly speaking to me. Speaking to the confusion I feel towards what’s been on my mind for days, or the tightness in my chest that I thought I was the only one who has […]


I like to define maturity in terms of how it feels to look back, more than how far I’ve actually gone. For it’s always easier to appreciate my current reality, than it is to accept (and smile upon remembering) how different it once was. I mean, whenever I come across an old piece of mine […]


In many ways, I believe silence has countless things to say. Countless things to teach me about myself. For whichever direction my thoughts choose to take every time things go quiet, is more often than not a reflection of where I am in life. There’s the silence of not hearing back from someone I care […]


And I still wonder, if my mind has this much power over me – if it has the ability to completely alter the way I think about myself, why does it always choose to take me to the darkest sides? Why is it easier to choose doubt over confidence, or fear of failure over some […]

I break myself…

“Nothing can break a human being other than their own self.” Heard this sentence on a TV series today – and while I don’t think I fully agree with it, I decided to use it as my prompt for the day. (which is always an interesting way to get yourself to write on days when […]

Cry it out

I always unconsciously thought I’d better save my tears for the big stuff, but there’s nothing like letting every little (completely trivial) thing out in tears. I also used to take pride in my ability to hold back my tears until I could be alone, before I realized I was never able to cry around […]

Art is scary

Art is beautiful.But it’s also quite scary. I’ve often witnessed the most bedazzling creations come to life – ones that deeply touch anyone who gets to watch them even from a distance, while their behind-the-scenes are so full of heartbreak and misery. And it scares me. It scares me every time I come across an […]


When every wordtriggers the pain thatno one recognizes,but the shatteredpieces of yourself. Breathe in andbreathe it out. When your eyelidsuncontrollably shakeas the tears grow heavierthan their capacityto hold them back. Breathe in andbreathe them out. When it suddenlyhits you that theshame is what’s beengetting in the wayall along. Breathe in andbreathe it all out. When […]