Category: Inside my head

You deserve to be heard

I feel like we’ve unconsciously been taught that the less you share about yourself in a relationship, the more selfless it makes you. we’ve somehow been made to believe that talking less and listening more makes you an ideal friend. a better person. you don’t burden anyone with your problems. you don’t take up space. […]

The blessing of sharing

There’s something so soothing about hearing or reading about ourselves in someone else’s words. words that have to do with something we’re specifically going through, but never knew how to express. or thoughts we’ve always had at the back of our minds, yet weren’t conscious enough to acknowledge they exist. until we come across someone […]


Everything about this world is slowly turning it into such an overwhelming place. You’d think that with the easy access of information everywhere, we’d actually benefit more, when in fact it does nothing but overwhelm us more and more. The more I learn about things, the more I realize there’s still a lot to know, […]

The right time

I so much believe in “the right time”. For the longest time, I’ve heard people responding to anyone who’d say they were waiting for the right time, with words along the lines of “there’s no such thing as the right time, just do it, you’ll never feel ready”, and it would add an extra weight […]

Safe places

There’s always this point you reach with a person when they slowly start becoming a safe place. You no longer have to filter your words around them, for they have already mastered reading your mind. You no longer turn red after blurting out something stupid in front of them, because you’re already way past trying […]

We’re only human

I secretly enjoy watching people trying to pretend like there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them as we first meet, and then have them reveal every tiny detail of their messy sides as soon as they get to hear about just a little insecurity of mine. And the more I cross paths with people, the less […]


So there’s this part in the movie “Ferdinand”, where the bull comes back home to meet his family – among which is a little cute puppy, Paco, who has this conversation with him: Ferdinand: Hey, Pac-Man! I’ve missed you, dawg. Paco: Well, I didn’t miss you. Not even a little bit. *He says this while […]

I thought it was only me

We all walk around carrying the weight of the world, and we all walk around thinking we’re the only ones who do. We exert so much effort trying to hide the intensity of our emotions, that we don’t realize we’re all pretty much experiencing the same. We continue shushing our thoughts before they accidentally get […]

And the cycle never ends

She finds it hard to keep looking straight ahead for how her eyes continue involuntarily following the pieces of her she keeps losing along the way. The memories she still can’t get over. The people who keep leaving after her every new phase. Every time she absentmindedly loses another piece, another person, or realizes another […]


Every time I turn to the last page of a story, I can’t help but wonder if the characters I’m parting with do exist around in the real world, while no one knows. I wonder how many broken hearts walk around everyday, with their constant attempts to bring themselves together fooling everyone they see. I […]