Category: Inside my head

Be kind

  Days that get me in contact with people from different walks of life, are days that totally drain me. For it takes a lot to understand the heaviness and magnitude of every single life that passes by, and the fact that we constantly walk around knowing nothing about them. We know nothing about the […]

On letting go

  Maybe some people are only meant to show up into our lives for a little while just to introduce us to worlds we knew nothing about, and then quietly leave. Maybe they’re sometimes meant to stay a little longer just to allow us to feel things we never even knew our hearts are capable […]

Traffic Lights

I’ve only really realized today, how the traffic lights shift from green to yellow to red, when we’re almost about to stop. And yet, it goes straight to green when it’s time to start moving again. And I think, I might have something to learn from that. Because for the longest time, I’ve been waiting […]

Keep it real

I feel like the closest people to my heart aren’t always the ones who do me the most favors or offer me the best advice. They aren’t the ones who constantly tell me good things about myself or shower me with gifts either. They’re rather the people who simply choose to be real around me. […]

Art makers

I’m so grateful for the existence of people who make art. For those who express themselves through any form of creative work. It makes me feel less lonely. It’s extremely validating. When I read about myself between someone’s relatable lines. When I can finally identify a certain feeling I’ve always felt deep down inside as […]

On the road

I pass by an accident on the road. and I keep thinking it could have been me. it could have been me. if only I had left home 5 minutes earlier. if only I hadn’t gone back to double check I’d locked my door. if only a pedestrian walking so slow hadn’t stopped me earlier […]


Sometimes I really appreciate the fact that we worship a God we never get to physically see, hear or talk to. Sometimes I feel like the idea of Him existing inside and around me in a non-material sense, touches me a lot more deeply. It gives me the chance to still see, hear and talk […]


There’s so much mercy (and wisdom) in the fact that He allows us to be in-between certain roles at different phases of our lives. Being a daughter and a mother at the same time. Being an uncle and a nephew alongside. Being the friend who always loves/gives more and the friend who constantly only receives […]


My niece has this habit of following every single answer she gets with a “Why?”. Every thing she’s told has to have a reason and she has to understand it. And every understanding can still be followed by another why that has to be explained again. It used to stress me out a little, whenever […]

Simply be there

i know it hurts to watch someone you love going through tough times you’ve already gone through. i know it hurts to know they feel the same pain you’ve once had to endure and i know it’s almost always a reflex thought to want to make it stop. i understand how having reached certain conclusions […]