Category: Inside my head


  Do the people who traumatize us so bad even realize how much our lives are never going to be the same, just because of who they are? There are places I can no longer visit, because of people who’ve left so abruptly in their exact spots. Scents I keep trying to avoid, for they […]

Feels right

There’s something about those friendships that just happen to flow, that really warms my heart. They don’t need effort, they just smoothly and beautifully flow. As if the universe somehow wants you two to get close, and so it secretly plans it all. You start off with a connection that gradually grows. Without either of […]

The buzz

  Yesterday, I heard this really loud buzz coming from the kitchen and figured it had something to do with the gas meter. I already had issues with it over the year, so hearing that buzz kind of made my heart skip a few beats. I wasn’t ready to go through anything that needed me […]

On writing

Every time I’m able to describe something happening inside, I physically feel the pain making its way out. And every time I turn a thought into a word, the voices pause and take a deep breath. And every time I spot the tears in between my lines, there comes a sentence that gently wipes them […]

The beauty of the unknown

  Sometimes it feels like you have your life figured out; like what you already have is all what you really need. And all what you’ve gone through can never be topped. And yet, a new phase always manages to show up. And new people always come along. People you know nothing about. Yet ones […]

Blank pages

  Today, I realized blank pages no longer scare me. Not because I’m no longer scared of what might come out. But because every time something does, a piece of me magically falls back into place. And every time a sentence makes it out, something deep inside starts making sense. And every time I stare […]

A baby died

  A baby died today, in her mother’s womb. Right before delivery. Before she could even make it out to life. I don’t know her in person, but it cut so deep inside. And all I could think of today was: I have no clue how anyone can survive through the tests and hardships of […]

He does it all

  Someone once told me they really like how I manage to do whatever I set my mind to. And I wanted to say, I wish it was as easy as it sounded. I wish my mind was as ‘friendly’ as it seems to everyone that’s not me. Because every time I set it to […]

New benchmarks

  Sometimes it feels like you’re done experiencing every little feeling there is out there. Like your stories only manage to bring out slightly different versions of the same feelings and emotions you already know. That nothing‘s really capable of surprising you anymore. You hit rock bottom and you think you’re never going to experience […]


  There’s so much comfort in simply being understood. Letting your thoughts out to someone who simply listens and nods at the validity of your feelings, even if they don’t agree. Never rushing to correct you, but rather allowing you to just be. Exactly the way you are. There’s a lot more comfort, though, in […]