Category: Inside my head

Beyond line 14

I recently got to learn a little about how handwriting can tell a lot about people. Where I got to know about it, people were asked to write more than 14 lines, for it’s believed that once they cross those, who they really are starts coming out on paper. Their unconscious mind takes over, and […]

Healing and hurting

It hurts to see them hurting. It hurts to stand there feeling handcuffed, as you watch them drowning. Every part of you yearns to physically pull out all that’s wounding them on the inside. But they won’t let you. They won’t open up. They won’t allow you in. They won’t even acknowledge your hands reaching […]

Childhood moments

  Do you ever remember moments in your life when you took certain decisions that you later realize have possibly shaped who you are forever? And maybe wish someone could have talked you out of them earlier? I’ve lately been remembering this one moment, sometime when I was maybe 12 and had to change schools […]

The magic will happen

  Sometimes you hear something a hundred times and it doesn’t even slightly touch you. And sometimes the magic finally happens on attempt 101 because that’s exactly when it was meant to hit right through. It somehow feels like you’re listening for the very first time. And you realize there’s so much beauty in rediscovering […]

Real strength

  I used to believe my strength lies in my ability to go through tough times and not talk about them; not show that I’m hurting. But only recently have I realized the enormous amount of strength that rather lies in letting things out. In admitting it’s been a hard day. In expressing anger and […]

My bricks

  All my life, I’ve been building walls. An opportunity shows up, yet I don’t go for it because ‘what if I screw up?’ It adds a brick. I make a mistake, then spend years beating myself up for the consequences. It adds another. Someone breaks my heart, then every person that comes after only […]

More than just relatable

  There’s something beautiful about being able to relate to others, on things you thought only make you sound weird. Struggles, feelings, preferences. Whatever it is. The world has this way of making us feel like we’re the only ones who think or do things the way we do. And so we unconsciously choose to […]


  Every time I listen to someone’s story, there’s always a date. One that’s engraved in their memory, on which something significant took place. Something that changed their life forever. And made it hard for them to ever forget its little details. And so I listen to them, and start thinking of my own calendar. […]

Are they talking to you?

  Sometimes when people talk to you, they’re only really talking to themselves through you. They say it’s better for you to do this or that, but in their minds, it’s what they know they need to hear. Sometimes it’s okay to let them say whatever they need to say, even if it’s not what […]

One year ago

  Today, I randomly came across something I had written exactly one year ago, and I literally couldn’t stop smiling all through. It was about a struggle I had at the time, and yet I couldn’t stop smiling with every word. I could feel the pain, the anxiety, the not-knowing-what-to-do-with-myself and the will-there-ever-be-a-way-out intense thoughts. […]