Category: Inside my head


Sometimes we illogically walk straight into things we know would bring along an immense amount of pain if they don’t turn out to be what we hope they are, because the possibility of witnessing a lost chance that might have worked out if only we had given it our all, can hurt a million times […]

If only

If only there was a way we could let those people we think about yet can’t exactly reach out to, know how much space they still occupy inside our heads and hearts everyday.

Is that all?

Whenever I come across something we’re encouraged to do as part of getting closer to God, or getting rewarded in the hereafter, there’s always a part inside me that wonders; is that really all? I mean, we pray 12 rakahs of sunnah a day, then get a house in Jannah just for that? We say […]

I’ll feel what I feel

When you don’t know, seek to learn more. When you don’t understand, ask the right questions to those who can explain. When you haven’t gone through something yourself, avoid jumping into conclusions solely based on what you assume to be true. And even when you know, understand, experience and witness, you will never have the […]

Is there a point?

Sometimes I wonder if there’s really a point behind all that we do. If we really do have a voice that can help us make some kind of change. Or if we just like to believe it’s true. Every couple of weeks, a triggering event takes place and everyone feels the same unprecedented outrage. We […]


It’s utterly disturbing how far some people can go on supporting a wrongdoer when their response is only really a defense reflex against all the truths they’re too scared to admit to their very own selves. July 3, 2020

Rant Alert

Something has been bugging me lately. I tried not to rant about it because this might sound too angry and mean, but I just couldn’t not. So I’m following someone on IG who has recently lost her baby during labor, her experience has been intense (at least for me as a reader – can’t imagine […]

On death

The things we know for a fact are doomed to happen, yet barely acknowledge their existence among our worldly concerns. Like death. It’s there, it literally happens everyday, yet we still like to believe life isn’t so short and everyone around is totally meant to stay. I used to think I was getting immune to […]

When I used the block button

I blocked someone on the internet today. I hardly ever block people based on things they post or say. Whenever there’s some kind of social media outrage, my thoughts usually experience some kind of delay, as I try to process what’s happening with the world then eventually figure how to find my way. And so […]

Again and again

I don’t know how I still find it in me to keep looking forward to things, when almost everything I impatiently count down for, comes along to show me I never even wanted it in the first place. I don’t know how I still pray so hard and loud for things that I never stop […]