Category: Inside my head

Nature & Self-Acceptance

There’s something about being in nature that helps me make peace with different parts of myself. I watch all those literal masterpieces that exist around me and I think to myself.. The same God who created all this beauty, chose to create me, too?! Even more heartwarmingly; He created it all for me! To pause […]

What’s your anxiety trying to say?

My anxiety spoke to me today. My anxiety recently showed up in a setting I know no longer feels uncomfortable to me, yet I still felt the heat spreading through my veins, as my heartbeats pushed loud & hard against my chest. And I chose to walk away from something I was convinced I had […]


The one thing I constantly realize I need to learn on this journey is that we often need a break from the things we love. Just because we love something, doesn’t mean doing more of it won’t leave us drained. And just because we love someone, doesn’t mean we also wouldn’t need to keep some […]


“Synchronicity” is another word that’s been so magically coming up in my life over the last 2 years, and I’m slowly realizing I only experience more of it when I can find it in me to let go. To truly internalize that I’m not in control. That God holds more for me than I can […]

Holding Space

“If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.” Holding Space. A phrase that has been coming up in my life a lot lately, and I find it extremely beautiful. Simply being with someone. Being present with them. Without overthinking what to “do” so we could prove […]

Know your boundaries

Boundaries. The one word that’s been coming up in most of my journal entries this year. I don’t think I’ve been able to set real boundaries before, or at least without feeling the guilt rushing through right then and there. I’ve struggled with that for so long, while mostly blaming other people who didn’t seem […]

Find your tribe

Some younger versions of me would’ve probably frowned upon reading this, but something that I’ve been finding so much comfort in lately is: investing more in relationships where I don’t need to explain myself – relationships with people I have more in common with than disparities. This started when I came across the community at […]

Healing is a Divine Process

This year has witnessed some of the most healing experiences of my life, and it blows my mind that I had absolutely no say in how any of them unfolded. They’ve all been extremely divine, up to the littlest, tiniest details. There are places I got to visit this year for instance, that I wasn’t […]

Breathing & Creativity

“Breathing” can unlock new levels of creativity! ⭐️ I personally consider September the peak of my creativity this year. Whether it was content ideas, writing pieces, new projects, or even ways to take care of myself; I was constantly surprised with what came out. I had been trying to maintain some habits at the time, […]

The Pain of Loss

The pain of loss. It really is the worst kind of pain I have to deal with. Especially when it comes out of nowhere, and makes no sense to my tiny human mind that invests so much time and energy in whatever comes my way – only to have it snatched from my life, all […]