Bricks and walls

It’s not you, and it’s not me
It’s all those who came before you and walked away
Totally convinced it’s me
I wasn’t born behind those walls
I watched them grow, brick by brick
People continue to come and go
And I continue to build more of them

I accidentally spill a detail about myself
Around someone I once thought I could trust
But then I watch their face trying so hard
To hide how their every thought
Can’t help but judge

It adds a brick

I accidentally pour out all the love
I’ve been holding inside my heart
Into all the selfless acts I could possibly think of
And I end up coming off as a little too much
For someone who never asked for it anyway

It adds more bricks

It pours over all the cement
That glues everything together
And helps me move over to more of them
More walls that are made up of how I see myself
Of all the words I’m no longer able to speak out loud
And all the painful scenes that continue to play inside my head

It took me so long to build all what you feel around
And it will never make sense to jump right over and forget
That no matter how far I go, they will forever exist
Because each and every brick needs to be held
It needs to be felt, it needs to be heard
Some of them are too heavy, some of them are too dark
Some might take forever to move from where they are
And some might sound like a complete surprise
For how long and far they‘d been pushed down

But every brick has a story
And every story has something to tell
And I now realize that’s the only way
I can bring my walls down
I don’t need to break through them
I don’t need to someone to save me from them
I just need to be ready to hold the bricks myself
And get to know their stories

One brick
At a time