Breathing & Creativity

“Breathing” can unlock new levels of creativity! ⭐️

I personally consider September the peak of my creativity this year. Whether it was content ideas, writing pieces, new projects, or even ways to take care of myself; I was constantly surprised with what came out. I had been trying to maintain some habits at the time, the most consistent of which though was breathing. Not the regular, shallow breaths we absentmindedly take during the day. Rather the slow, deep ones you get to really feel their every atom making its way in and out. 🧘‍♀️

For the whole month, I spent 5 minutes every morning, and another 5 every night, doing a very simple breathing exercise. And while I could notice its impact on various aspects of my life, creativity has been the most remarkable.

I’m not sure about the scientific evidence behind this, yet I’m sure there’s a reason our most brilliant ideas often pop up when we’re laying in bed at night, or while we’re in the shower trying to unwind. It’s because that’s the exact state that fuels creativity and helps us connect more dots. Taking the time to breathe in and out for only 10 minutes can set that same tone for the day, if we really follow through with it.

And if creative blocks are more of an overload of ideas we’re unable to pinpoint and bring out, breathing also helps slow down the roaming thoughts around your head. It’s like you can’t possibly have pieces of you peacefully strolling, while others are wildly sprinting at the same time. The flow of air is like that magic wand that brings the different parts of you to a middle ground, so they’d adjust their paces and allow you to understand what’s going on. Also unlocking your way to what you hardly think you’d ever create.✨

I’m sure there’s still more for me to explore on the topic, but for now, I’d love to walk into 2022 with my daily 10 mins, along with a notebook to jot down more of what those creative vibes will bring to life. 🥰

P.S. If you’ve made it this far, try pausing now and taking 3 long, deep and mindful breaths. Your body will be super grateful for it. (: